Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal ( LKPM ) is a tools used by BKPM to assist investor to report their investment in indonesia
BKPM used dashboard for executive report and monitoring investment in Indonesia
Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) use Digisign to authenticate and digitally sign legal documents
Rafinaru used by Telkom Property as reporting tools to monitor their assets nationally
Learning Application and Management Program is web-based information system used for planning, administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of education courses and learning roadmap.
LAMP scorecard
LAMP Scorecard is an add-on module for LAMP core program.It enhance the default reporting in core and transform historical data collected from database into informative dashboard.
Household catalog is an e-catalog containing information about villa / house features, map, galleries, and nearest local attraction.
VEhicle Information System designed for fleet management administrative process such as vehicle allocation, rent, service, fuel usage, maintenance, replacement, insurance etc.
Finance Dashboard
This dashboard mainly used in projecting current finances status against financial data from last year and a what-if scenario for budgetting purpose.